Some (Somewhat) Brief Thoughts on Skateboarding

The following essays compile a string of thoughts I’ve had over the past 6 months or so. Since moving to New York and starting college, skating has taken an ever more present role in my life, as it became the core way I met new people. Back home in Portland, I skated basically every day, but I barely knew anyone else who skated and certainly no one as committed as me. When I moved out to New York though, on my first day out of quarantine I went skating with a group of people and have gone skating the majority of my days since. 

Skating went from just a personal means of pushing myself to my main social activity and the main way I stay healthy. As you might expect, I started thinking about skating a lot more as well. It became my fallback for school assignments when I didn’t know what to make or talk about. I would just talk about skating because I already had plenty of thoughts on it, so shitting out a quick project about skating was easy.

I write about how/why I made this project, how skating has impacted me personally, how skating relates to art and expression, as well as the more aesthetic considerations involved in skating.

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